cp toys

cp toys

Monday, November 15, 2010

kingdom hearts wii

i think kingdom hearts should be for wii because if square enix and disney want to make money then start with the wii the wii almost over 1,000,000 people have it all the other sytems over 900 people have it so if they want to make money make it for wii. they are making it for old school they are doing playstaion 2 and xbox and ps3 thats all old new school is wii!!.  Besides these sytems are trying to copy nintendo wii! xbox 360 kinext wtf is that is just like wii playstation with those sticks you hold that is red on top wtf is that!!.  i will tell you wats knew with wii! clubpenguin game day, smackdown vs raw 2011,just dance 2, sonic colors, and gta  grand theft auto is thinking of putting there game on the line for wii1

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

HELLO PEOPLE OF EARTH!!!. I just found out that you can transfer items that you get on cp gameday to your online penguin. i know kung fu panda is a old game for wii but if your stuck in pos first day of training skip it . if you could. in the firt training defeat all the dummies then second the door will open to skip both of those trainiong. BTW spiderman 3 friend or foe for wii i just finished the game and i started playing it in 2008!!. if you have wii sports resort and like airsport island flyover than ill post guides on how to find new places!! if you have smackdown vs raw 2010 and sometimes the game will make the referee say stuff like 127 your out 8 ding sing ding. your game isnt messed up it is just not responding to your moves. i have seen rockhopper and gary and i will now look for candence and aunt artic!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

tracker in disguise

hello people i will create my gary tracker 2010 and in music jam i will start doing cadence because she is going online in disguise her disguise name is orangeblue1 if you see it go now!!!!1 rockhopper is in disguise  as pennyblue98 aunt artic is in disguise i think it is astroboy3011!!!! find them and tell them to change because they are caught!! famous penguins that arent on stamp book are orangeblue1 pennyblue98 astroboy3011 sensei and herbert